At Sterling Construction we strive to build you the best home that we can. We do this through intelligent building design, skilled labor and smart decision making. A well built-home is only part of the challenge to having a comfortable home for the home owner. The other part of the challenge is in homeowner maintenance and education. We strive to have knowledgeable homeowners and do that through two walk-throughs during construction. The first walk-through happens prior to sheet rock being installed in the home. This allows the homeowner to see the insulation, electrical, plumbing and heating and ventilating system of their home. They get to see all of those components that were so carefully put together to bring them a comfortable home.
Before closing we do another walk-through explaining how everything works in their home; where the water shut-off is, why they should run their bath fans, how to use their vent fan and a multitude of other fun bits of information. Knowing all of this enables our homeowners to get the most they can from their homes in terms of comfort and efficiency.
At the end of construction we also provide the homeowners with two binders. One binder has the manuals for everything in their home; the other has care instructions for hardwood floors, tile, and granite counter tops, energy efficiency suggestions, and photos of their home during construction with labels pointing out where the footing drain is, where a bath vent fan runs, where the radon pipe goes under the slab and so much more.
We take these steps to enable our homeowners to get the most they can from their homes in terms of comfort and efficiency.