It seems as though it has been awhile since I tossed a few words out into cyberspace. So, here I am on a slightly snowy Thursday afternoon at the end of February writing.
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. The biggest part of my job with Sterling is to work with Clients through the Options and Selections process. The decisions that are made during this part of the process are the details of the house. We work through which flooring to use, whether or not that cabinet, flooring and counter top all look good together, and if the paint color will work with any of it at all. We dive headfirst into appliances, into cabinet colors and styles, lighting, you name it. For those of you that this sounds like lots of fun – awesome! For those of you that are thinking something along the lines of “that sounds like a LOT of decisions” – that’s awesome, too! At this point I have worked with both mindsets – although most everyone falls somewhere in between. I’ve noticed that everyone has one element that they really, deeply care if it is perfect. For some folks this is their kitchen layout, others it is their floor, for some it is which tile to use in their shower – but everyone seems to have one thing and some people have more than one.
Anyways, for the past few weeks I have been immersed in the details of two different homes. Deciding which knobs go where, which counter top to use, which floor they should go with, and whether it all works together. Two different homes with very different owners, and very different elements that made them tick. It’s an adventure that I enjoy, and today I was lucky enough to meet the next family that I get to dive into this adventure with.