
Whether this is your first home-building experience or your fifth, you need a partner—a trusted guide to help you navigate through every step of the way. We believe the homebuilding process should be simple and fun, not stressful or frustrating. To accomplish this for our customers, we make communication and clarity our top priority from Day One. You always know what to expect when you work with Sterling Homes. View our Home Building Process.Efficiency
Comfort is the essence of home, which is why Sterling has been building efficient, Energy Star-certified homes for over 15 years. With a combination of time-tested building techniques, sustainable construction practices, and innovative green materials, our customers know that their homes are on the forefront of today’s green building standards. As a proud member of the Efficiency Excellence Network through Efficiency Vermont you can have confidence knowing that our teams are trained and evaluated by Efficiency Vermont to ensure the highest level of professional energy efficiency services. Learn more about Sterling Homes and Green Building.